Change is here

Where do thy winds settle when gazes of the masses are caste upon the ground? Does it travel to such lofty dwellings as the ivory towers?

Look upon the walls that bathe us in complacency. Look upon the pillars, who’s width holds the structures of our enmity intact.

Collect those silent whispers, of they who scatter broken bits of truth in passing. Sew them together, piece by piece, and stitch by stitch. Adorn them with great knowledge and eloquence.

With much animosity, and even greater arrogance, they rest their gaze upon the masses, as they lick their lips and gnash their teeth, looking upon us as we would cattle and crops.

They believe themselves to be our shepherds, but in truth, God is our one and only shepherd. While the material world may fall into hands soiled with blood and sin, those hands too will see judgement in the hereafter.

Any attempt at confrontation will lead to certain destruction of those who dare to stand up. The war for our collective destiny cannot be fought with arms.

That leaves only one carriage left to take, that of the pen. It is foolish to neglect the power of words. Our entire reality is paved with ideas. When you alter those ideas, you alter reality. If God allows it, we can write a new world into existence.

Write carefully.

Write faithfully.

And most of all, write truthfully.

History isn’t over quite yet. Use your voice while you still have one. The tipping point is near.


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